A student can change personal information relevant to their permanent record in the Records area of the Registrar's Office. Identification is required for all changes, and legal documentation is required in some cases. Access to your personal information is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Read more about FERPA.

Change Your Address

It is the responsibility of the student to provide correct permanent and present mailing address information at all times and on all documents at the university. Failure to do so constitutes falsification of information, a breach of the Student Code of Conduct. Any student who changes their mailing address must notify the Registrar's Office immediately.

You may change your address by going to myUNT to verify your current address information and to submit a change of address. For step-by-step help with MyUNT, please refer to myUNT Help for Students page.

Please remember that apartment addresses must include apartment numbers. Students living in dormitories must provide UNT box numbers.

Change Your Name

Primary Name

Students employed at the University of North Texas must contact Human Resources to change their name.

UNT will use your primary (legal) name on your transcript, diploma, and on some pages in the Student Center within MyUNT. To update any part of your primary name, you must present the Registrar's Office with 2 forms of legal documentation substantiating the name change. Accepted legal documentation varies based on the reason for the change, but can include a government-issued photo ID card, social security card, marriage certificate or divorce decree. To update your legal name, please utilize the Change or Correct Records form.

If submitting in person, the Registrar's Office must make copies of the original legal documents before submitting the official change to the University.

Documents submitted via secure upload must be notarized. The notary must certify that the documents are true, exact, complete and unaltered copies of the original legal documents.

Chosen/Diploma Name

Your Chosen name will be displayed on class rosters, Canvas, and all pages of the Student Center on MyUNT except the following locations: Main Phone Number, Eagle Alert, My Financial Aid, Advising Sheet, Holds, and the 1098-T. You may request changes to your chosen first or middle name as long as the use of this different name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation.

Your Diploma name will only be used on your diploma. Students can choose to have their Legal or Chosen Name display on their diploma. Students can choose to abbreviate or exclude any of their Legal or Chosen First or Middle names. One First or Middle name, or an abbreviation of one, must be printed with their Legal last name. Student's last name can only be changed through a Legal name change, which requires additional documentation.

Submit the form below to create a Chosen Name and/or modify how your name will be displayed on your diploma.

Chosen/Diploma Name Change Request Form

Note: You will not be asked for a reason when requesting a change to your Chosen or Diploma name.

Change Your Social Security Number or Student Identification Number

Most students are identified with their social security number. If a change of social security number is required, the student will have to present a government-issued photo ID and the original social security card with the correct number on it. To update your SSN or Student ID Number please utilize the Change or Correct Records forms.

If submitting in person, the Registrar's Office must make copies of the original legal documents before submitting the official change to the University.

Documents must be submitted via secure upload. Documents to change a SSN must be notarized. The notary must certify that the documents are true, exact, complete and unaltered copies of the original legal documents.

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