To view detailed information about auditing a course, please see the Enrollment section of the UNT Catalog.
To view detailed information about student course load, please see the Enrollment section of the UNT Catalog.
A student who wishes to enroll concurrently in another college or university must have written permission from his/her UNT academic dean/advisor. Transfer credit may be denied if this approval is not obtained in advance. Learn more about concurrent enrollment.
A student may take a course a second or subsequent time. The Registrar's Office will post course duplications at the request of the student, at the request of an academic advisor or upon review of the student's record. Until a duplication is posted the Registrar's Office includes a repeated course in the student's cumulative record of hours attempted and grade points earned. Learn more about enrolling in repeating courses.
Texas Education Code § 54.014 specifies that resident undergraduate students who initially enrolled fall 1999 and later may be subject to a higher tuition rate for attempting excessive hours at any public institution of higher education while classified as a resident student for tuition purposes. Beginning with fall 2007, UNT undergraduate students who are classified as Texas Residents and those who pay in state tuition rates will be subject to an additional excessive hour tuition rate. Learn more about enrolling in excessive hours.
For instructions on using the EIS Student Center for Registration, please go to the Help for Students page.
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