Swapping Courses

When you swap a class, you will be simultaneously Dropped from one class and Added another. By doing this transaction as a Swap the system will not Drop you from the selected class, unless the Add will also be successful. If the system finds that you cannot successfully Drop the selected class and Add the selected class, then neither part of the transaction will be performed.

The system will not Drop you from the selected class, unless the Add to the new class is successful.

  1. To drop Swap classes, select the Swap Classes option on the left navigation menu.
    swap classes icon
    Mobile Navigation: the left hand navigation menu on a mobile device will be represented by a blue box with two vertical white lines. Click this icon and you will see the left navigation menu.
    mobile menu icon
  2. Terms in which you are registered will display, select the term in which you would like to swap a class.
    select term
  3. Once you select a term, you will be brought to a page where you will set up the Swap process.
    swap classes interface

    1. Select the class that you wish to swap from the Swap This Class dropdown menu.
    2. Identify the class you swap into by either:
      a. Searching for classes
      b. Selecting a class from the Shopping Cart
      c. Entering a Class Number
  4. Once you select a class, you will be able to Review Class Selection.
    review class section button
    review class selection list
  5. Next, Confirm Class Swap and click Submit.
    confirm class swap
  6. You will be asked to confirm. If you are ready to swap, click Yes. Once the classes are swapped, you will see a message confirming the class has been added to your schedule.
    class swap confirmation message.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I use the “swap” feature to enroll in a waitlisted class?

"SWAP" allows you to remain in one class while waitlisted in a second class. If you are enrolled from the waitlist, the original class will be dropped. "SWAP" should be used in the following scenarios:

  • If you are already enrolled in another section of the class for which you wish to waitlist.
  • If you have a time conflict between an enrolled section and the class section for which you want to waitlist.
  • If you are already enrolled in the maximum number of credit hours for a term and want to still get on a waitlist.

For more information about the waitlist, please visit Waitlists.

Update Classes

The ‘Update’ class option allows you to change the preferences on the classes in which you are enrolled. You will use the update option to change the selection of units if the class is a variable unit class or change a lab or discussion section associated with a lecture you are registered in.

Can I swap out an in-person class for an online course?

Yes, be aware that there is an additional fee for online courses, check your account for any updates.

How long does it take for the new course to show up on my canvas and when is the other course deleted?

myUNT and Canvas are separate entities. When a change in schedule has been made by swapping courses, the instructor will be notified via email, they will oversee adding, removing, or making changes to the designated course(s).

Can I swap classes from one session to another? (Example 8w1, 8w2)

You cannot swap a class to a different session; each session is self-contained with different sessions. You would have to drop the session you are enrolled in and add the new class manually.

Depending on whether the first-class day has passed or not, you might need to contact your Dean of Students Office to assist.


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