View this information as a PDF: Your Online Degree Audit.

Different Programs

Running an audit for a different program, also known as a “what if” audit, allows you to run an audit for any program (major/degree) at UNT to see how it might work for you.

Note: This will not change your declared program. If you would like to change your official major, contact an academic advisor in the department of your new major. 

Run an audit for a different program (What-If Audit)

"Select a Different Program" section expanded.

  1. Expand the “Select a Different Program” section.
  2. From the “College” dropdown menu, select the college where the program is offered. After selecting the college, the majors dropdown menu will populate with a list of all the majors in that college.

    Select a Different Program: College dropdown menu opened, showing the list of colleges as well as "UGRD ACERT" for undergraduate academic certificates.

    Abbreviation College
    AbbreviationAbbreviationBUSI-RCOB CollegeCollegeCollege of Business
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCACS CollegeCollegeCollege of Applied and Collaborative Studies
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCLASS CollegeCollegeCollege of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCO-INFORMN CollegeCollegeCollege of Information
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCOLL-HPS CollegeCollegeCollege of Health and Public Service
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCOLL/EDUC CollegeCollegeCollege of Education
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCOLL/ENGR CollegeCollegeCollege of Engineering
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCOLL/MUSIC CollegeCollegeCollege of Music
    AbbreviationAbbreviationCVAD CollegeCollegeCollege of Visual Arts and Design
    AbbreviationAbbreviationMERCH-HOSP CollegeCollegeCollege of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism
    AbbreviationAbbreviationSCIENCE CollegeCollegeCollege of Science
    AbbreviationAbbreviationUGRD ACERT CollegeCollegeUndergraduate Academic Certificate
  3. Select the major you want to run the audit for from the “Major” dropdown menu.

    Select a Different Program: Major dropdown menu opened, showing major options for the College of Education (COLL/EDUC).

    Majors are abbreviated differently than the program code. There may also be several versions of the same major. For example, each major starting with “E6-ESL/” has an acronym at the end for a specialization within the “EDE6-ESL” major.

    To understand the abbreviation for a major, start by breaking it down into parts and comparing to the UNT Catalog: “E6-ESL/SES” is a

    • major in Education, Early Childhood through Grade Six (EC–6) core subjects teacher certification [“EDE6”]
    • with Science of Teaching Reading and ESL Supplemental, [“-ESL”]
    • and a specialization in STEAM Education [“/SES”]

    Sometimes the major abbreviation is easy to figure out, like Cybersecurity in the College of Engineering is “CYBR”, but other times it can be confusing. If you're not sure which major is the one you want to run the audit for, you can select a major that you think is close, select the degree, and then check the program. If the program isn't what you wanted, you can select another major and try again.

  4. Select the degree for the major from the “Degree” dropdown menu. If only one degree is listed, select that option.
    • This step is required since some majors have multiple degrees. For example, the Biology major in the College of Science is available both as a Bachelor of Science and as a Bachelor of Arts.Select a Different Program: Degree dropdown menu opened, showing "BS" as the only option for the college and major selected.
  5. Confirm the program is correct. The program will automatically populate based on your choices for college, major, and degree.

    Note: The program code is included at the end of the program name. Checking the program code may help you confirm whether you selected the correct program.Select a Different Program: Program name, in blue text, auto-populated based on options selected for college, major, and degree. A red box is around the program code at the end of the "Education: Core Sub EC-6 w/ Spec Ed EC-12 - EDBS EDUC-QASE" program name. The program code is "EDBS EDUC-QASE."

  6. From the “Catalog Year” dropdown menu, select the appropriate year. It is recommended to select the same catalog year as your current program if possible.Select a Different Program: Catalog Year dropdown menu opened, showing "Fall 2023," "Fall 2022," and "Fall 2021".

    Note: The catalog year always begins in the Fall term, even if you started at UNT or switched your program during the Spring or Summer terms. So for example, if you started at UNT in Spring 2023, you would select “Fall 2022.”Declared Program table with Catalog Year column highlighted.

    The catalog year for your declared program is shown on the Request an Audit page.

    Why is the catalog year important?

    All requirements are published in the UNT Catalog. Because program and even UNT core requirements can change from year-to-year, a new version of the UNT Catalog is published every year. These versions are called “catalog years.” To view the requirements which would apply to you, it is important to select the appropriate catalog year.

    Generally, students follow the catalog for the year they entered UNT. For example, if the first term you attended UNT was Fall 2022, then you’d likely be following the 2022-2023 catalog.

  7. Review the summary of the options you’ve selected.
    • If everything is correct, continue to the next step.
    • If you want to change any of the options selected, click the orange “Clear Selections” button to
      start over.Select a Different Program: Summary of options selected for running an audit for a different program.
  8. To view the interactive audit, skip to step 11. To view the audit as a PDF file, continue to step 9.
  9. Next to Advanced Settings, click “Click to view available options.”Advanced Settings for Running an Audit, with the Format dropdown menu displayed and "PDF" option highlighted.
  10. From the “Format” dropdown menu, select “PDF.”
    • Regular (HTML) – option selected by default; interactive and viewable in your web browser
    • PDF – static and suitable for printing

    Note: Leave the “Run Type” setting at the default. Changing this setting can result in an audit that shows inaccurate information.

  11. Click the “Run Different Program” button. "Run Different Program" button.

To request a new audit, you can click “Audits” in the navigation bar and then click “Request New.”

Audits tab in navigation bar expanded to show the “Request New” and “Manage” options.

Not sure how to read your “what if” audit? See the How to Read Your Degree Audit page.

Undergraduate Academic Certificates

You can run an audit for an Undergraduate Academic Certificate by selecting “UGRD ACERT” from the College dropdown menu. The major will be the specific certificate, and the degree will be “ACAD CERT.”


It is not possible to run an audit for a different minor. This is because minors do not have separate audits. Instead, minors are added to a degree program audit, which allows the audit system to correctly count courses toward major or minor requirements.

The image below shows a student pursuing a B.A. in Non-Profit Leadership Studies with a minor in Management and an undergraduate academic certificate in Conflict Resolution. The bachelor’s degree is the first program, noted in green, and the certificate is the second program, noted in blue. The minor, noted in orange, is added to the bachelor’s degree. In this example, running an audit for this student’s declared programs would result in one audit with the bachelor’s degree and minor requirements and another audit with the requirements for the undergraduate academic certificate.

Request an Audit page, with Run Declared Programs section expanded. Below the first program is green text saying "First Program (Bachelor's Degree)". Below the minor for the bachelor's degree is orange text saying "Minor". Below the second program is blue text saying "Second Program (Undergraduate Academic Certificate)".

If you have questions about minors, it is recommended to contact your academic advisor.